How Can We Help?

Give kids the freedom to explore

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Email, Social Media, Newsletter Blurb:

Cut and paste. Customize as needed.

Parent Play Tip! Give kids the freedom to explore. When kids have the time and space to explore freely, they find their own interests, enhance their curiosity, make new connections and discoveries, and become passionate about learning. Pretty powerful, right? Learn more.

Assets and Resources:

Copy or download these assets to go with your communications

Link to our blog post.

Download this still image of the video. Use it in an email and hyperlink it to the video.

Download the video. Upload the video file for your social media post to get it to autoplay.

Interested in the embed code for the video?
<iframe src=”″ width=”640″ height=”564″ frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; fullscreen” allowfullscreen></iframe>

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