Embrace repetition

Embrace repetition

Email, Social Media, Newsletter Blurb: Cut and paste. Customize as needed. Option 1: Hearing “Again! Again!” is a good thing. When kids do things over and over, they build their confidence, develop their bodies and master their world. So, next time you’re standing on...
Embrace repetition

Pose challenges during playtime

Email, Social Media, Newsletter Blurb: Cut and paste. Customize as needed. Parent Play Tip: Pose challenges during playtime. Next time you’re playing with your kid, add plot twists to their fun and give them time to work through challenges on their own. When faced...
Embrace repetition

Focus on the process, less on the outcome

Email, Social Media, Newsletter Blurbs: Cut and paste. Customize as needed. Parent Play Tip: Focus on the process, less on the outcome. When your child plays, focus on the process, less on the outcome. It’s during the process that kids learn to think critically,...
Embrace repetition

View mistakes as opportunities

Email, Social Media, Newsletter Blurb: Cut and paste. Customize as needed. Option 1: Mistakes, mix-ups and mishaps. They’re powerful learning experiences. As a parent, it’s important to view your child’s mistakes as opportunities. Kids grow when given the chance to...
Embrace repetition

Give kids the freedom to explore

Email, Social Media, Newsletter Blurb: Cut and paste. Customize as needed. Parent Play Tip! Give kids the freedom to explore. When kids have the time and space to explore freely, they find their own interests, enhance their curiosity, make new connections and...

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