Parenting During a Pandemic

A Free Virtual Event Series

Featuring Erin Walsh, Spark & Stitch Institute

Parents Need Support Too

Get advice on how you and your kids can manage stress, spark joy and grow stronger in the face of adversity

Parenting during a pandemic is tough. Many of us are navigating the competing demands of work, school and parenting. Each family faces unique challenges, but one thing is clear across the board – all parents could use some extra support right now.

Virtual Event 1: How to Handle Screen Time


It feels like it’s all screens all the time. But don’t let guilt about screen time add to your family’s stress. In this session, Erin uses stories, thoughtful insights and warm humor to connect the dots between the latest research on developmentally appropriate uses of technology and the challenges and opportunities presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Virtual Event 2: Using Play to Manage Stress


Kids and adults alike are experiencing a great deal of stress. Sometimes kids act out, and parents wonder how to best respond. In this session, you will learn more about how stress presents itself in kids and ways to respond that build your family’s resilience instead of eroding it. Erin explains how play builds resilience and she shares strategies for creating space for playful interactions during times of stress and strain.


Virtual Event 3: Setting Limits to Avoid Power Struggles


Parenting and working at home during COVID-19 is challenging and we can quickly get pulled into conflict and power struggles with our kids. During times of stress, it can be hard to know when to be flexible and when to hold the line. Learn more about why kids need boundaries in uncertain times and how to be both flexible and firm when your kids need it most.


Looking for more parenting resources and support from Spark &Stitch Institute? Save 10% off all online classes when you use code MCM at checkout.
Click here for more information on course offerings from Spark & Stitch Institute.

About Erin Walsh

Erin is a parent, speaker, educator and writer. She has worked with communities across the country who want to better understand child and adolescent development and cut through conflicting information about kids and technology. She is fiercely committed to bringing an equity lens and asset-based approach to our understanding of, and response to, youth and media. Her signature down-to-earth approach and sense of humor helps families and educators engage in complicated topics and leave feeling capable and motivated.

Spark & Stitch Institute, founded by Erin and her parents Dr. Dave Walsh and Monica Walsh, is committed to sparking greater understanding of why kids need courage and connection to thrive and how to foster it in the digital age.

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St. Paul, MN 55102
Fax: 651-225-6006
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